Ask Me Anything with CEO Yuriy Gerasimov (29.10.2019): Summary
5 min readOct 30, 2019


Regular Ask Me Anything with CEO: Summary

October 29th MBN Platform held an Ask Me Anything session at MBN official telegram chat. From MBN’s side, there was the Co-founder and CEO of — Yuriy Gerasimov.

We have a list of topics covered today :
1) Marketing campaign: “MBN for me is a..”
2) Results from last conferences;
3) The current stage of listing procedure;
4) Trading competitions;
5) Community rewards: airdrop tokens and 20top traders winners.
6) Community questions to СEO Yuriy Gerasimov

Let’s get started!

1)Marketing campaign: “MBN for me is a..”

As you all know, we started a marketing campaign which is called “MBN for me is a..”

I would like everyone to take part in it, cos those success stories are very important for creating brand awareness and spreading the word! The more people will see positive from using the MBN platform, the more will join. It’s still an early stage for our growth, so we all need to make efforts to get spotted by a big audience.

For the best stories we are giving the PRO account, so that’s really worth writing. And everyone can share their feedback, which is also very important to create a better product for all of you!

2) Results from last conferences;

We’ve been taking part in a week-long conference, which is called Blockchain Week and had a few stops in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg.

We had a booth there and I’ve also presented the project from the panel discussions. Some photos from the event could be found on twitter.

During those events, we’ve met many companies, who may become our partners. Working to make it happen and to bring value to our ecosystem.

And most importantly — we’ve had personal meetings with exchanges that are in our focus. We’ve talked to Bithumb Global, KuCoin, OKEx, Bkex, Bini, BitForex and some lesser names to get their best offers. Will share about exchanges in next answer

3) The current stage of listing procedure;

After the community vote, we started to make due diligence towards the winners and realized that Bitmax got serious red flags. They’ve delisted their own IEO project DEEP after making a MM fraud on them. So we drop it out of. We also looked toward lesser range exchanges like BGG or Beaxy, but listing there will have no impact on the market.

So right now, we are focused on getting to the Tier1 exchange. The most likely choice is Bithumb Global, cos they have a huge list of benefits and they are showing solid organic volumes. The listing fee is still very high, so it takes some time to prepare everything. We’ve would be using MM funds, which will be unlocked in November to make this happen. Please wish us good luck with that!

4) Trading competitions;

We’ve created for you a new Trading Competition format, which works as a collaboration of MBN and various exchanges.

It has new mechanics which has a buying ticket to create a Tournament Prize Pool. I’ll send a pdf presentation so you can read about it. We will upload the rules online when we finish all the details with our exchange partners.

Take a look over the file via the link and feel free to provide feedback regarding the competition workflow

5) Community rewards: airdrop tokens and 20top traders winners.

Community rewards and airdrop.

We would like to double confirm the schedule of the rewards.

So during this year, the only rewards that would be distributed are rewards for TOP20 participants and the airdrop campaign for twitter promo which was held a few months ago.

This will maintain the market in healthy condition.

For the Tournament Points — their usage will be opened next year. We will announce the full usage list and the schedule after the top20 distribution. Philosophy of the Tournament Points is an inner bonus with the main usage as payment for MBN services.

6) Community questions to Yuriy Gerasimov

Q: So when is the final product release? By Dec 2019? Or any slight delay?
We hope to finish everything toward Dec 2019. If there will be any delays, we will tell with official announcements

Q: What are your plans to attract active traders to the platform? (* mass adoption)?
Sure! There are several marketing activities we are working on. One of them is the competitions which I’ve just introduced. It works great for both of us and the exchange. They get the volumes, we get the traders.

Also, we work on success stories to bring attraction. First, we start with community stories and then we want to invite traders with the community to work on the MBN platform and share their stories with their audience.

Also, we want to implement a referral system so people can invite others to receive part of their commission fees.

And with Final Product Release we will start a promo campaign so it will be well heard in the crypto space.

Q: So if MM fund is unlocked in November by when can we expect the listing? Any time frame?
Working to make it happen this year. If the wind blows our way — it would be in November. There are some good things happening, but first, we need to make it done and only then celebrate. And of course, we would keep you informed about the status of the listing.

Q: Has mobile app development begun?
Right now, it is very convenient to use MBN from the Trust browser, so we don’t see it as a high priority. We want to launch the full product and connect many more exchanges first and only then explore the Mobile App solution.

I can add that we in 2020 we have that in mind because it’s fair to say — it’s is needed for further improvement of the system

Q: Are you accepting community contributions (GITHUB)?
Right now you can contact us directly with your ideas and the tech team will see if its a good addition. At a later stage, we will have a workshop, so the community can build services on top of our ecosystem and earn commission fees.

Q: Yuriy what about next round COF and LVL 3??
In November the current round of COF is getting to be over and we will inform about the results. We will start the preparation for the COF round 2 right after, cos we want to bring more investors there and add few new tools for the traders to be even more efficient. As for the staking, LVL 3 staking will happen, but I can’t share the full details right now.

Q: How many tokens are dedicated to MM fund? Is it happening in one day that these tokens appear on the market?
To provide market-making and liquidity on all exchanges 30M tokens would be used. The unlocking of MM funds is not happening in one day

Guys, thanks for the questions! Our CEO left on a scheduled meeting call. Hope everyone had enough time to drop their question and most of the demanded topics were raised during our regular AMA!

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